dme training from DMETRAIN

DMEMANUAL - Policies and Procedures Now

Stay compliant - stay accredited - stay in business.

Are your policies and procedures up to date?

Any accreditation process that you undergo is going to require written policies and procedures. Companies, on average, spend 6 months and approximately $20,000 to create their own policies. With DMEMANUAL, you can spend 3 hours creating a fully customized set of policies.

Policies are kept up to date based on current federal and state regulations and laws. Your policies and procedures will grow with your business.

DMEMANUAL policies and procedures integrate to DMETRAIN. Your policies and procedures will direct employees to the proper courses on DMETRAIN for appropriate training.

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Did You Know?
DMETRAIN makes compliance reporting a snap. Read more >
You can create your DMEMANUAL in less than 2 hours. Read more >
DMETRAIN grades tests instantly and for no extra charge. Read more >