employee training dmetrain web based training hipaa compliance
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hippa compliance

DMETRAIN will help keep you in compliance with state and federal licensing requirements.

DMETRAIN constantly monitors information from multiple government agencies, accreditation bodies, and industry associations to assist you in keeping informed, compliant, and prepared. Our system will keep you up to date on:
  • HIPAA regulations
  • CGMP - Current Good Manufacturing Processes
  • OSHA Workplace Safety Regulations
  • Medicare Regulations
  • Department of Transportation Requirements

For more information or a free demo, call toll free

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Please Answer the Following Questions:

1. Is your organization non-profit?  Yes    No
2. Do you provide DME services?  Yes    No
3. Do you provide custom diabetic footwear?  Yes    No
4. Do you provide dialysis services?  Yes    No
5. Do you provide oxygen services  Yes    No
6. Do you transfill oxygen cylinders?  Yes    No
7. Do you transport placardable amounts of hazardous materials?  Yes    No
8. Do you provide custom orthotic or prosthetic suppies?  Yes    No
9. Do you provide clinical respiratory services?  Yes    No
10. Do you provide pharmacy services?  Yes    No
11. Do you provide drugs considered controlled substances?  Yes    No
12. Do you provide parenteral or enteral supplies?  Yes    No
13. Do you provide home health agency services?  Yes    No
14. Is your organization an inpatient nursing faciltiy?  Yes    No